Simulating time in Ruby on Rails
TL;DR In this post I will provide an example why Ruby on Rails is great framework that has testability in its core design. Time is a measure in which events can…
TL;DR In this post I will provide an example why Ruby on Rails is great framework that has testability in its core design. Time is a measure in which events can…
AMI Linux, Firefox, headless, testing tool
TL;DR In this post I will give step by step instructions for setting up Jenkins on AMI Linux host. Jenkins will run selenium webdriver tests on Firefox in headless mode. Install…
cucumber, learn testing, RIMGEA, selenium-webdriver, watir-webdriver
TL;DR In this post I will explain how simple change in testing environment influenced my testing of simple feature. Feature is rather simple, tweet something interesting from the application. As…
TL;DR In this post I will explain my heuristic how I solved issue that was indicated with misleading error message. Error message was very simple: in order to be able to…
cucumber, security, selenium-webdriver
TL;DR In this post I will explain problems I encountered and how I resolved them while I was designing automated test for remember me feature. Context of this…
TL;DR Here I will try to get your feet wet with grinder load testing framework. The fact: using grinder you will produce better code. Period. My first contact with…
TL;DR In this post I will describe what I learned when search application feature failed. Currently I have following testing mission: write executable specification in cucumber for all features of…
credit: TL;DR In this post I will provide guidelines how to cope with information overload as BBST Instructor in first week of a course. First you should create label in…
credit: TL;DR Being BBST Instructor is a challenging task. In this and following blog posts I will try to provide missing link for BBST Instructors, guidelines based on my experience…