Giving constructive critic is the obligation of every tester. You need to have credible facts when you give someone critical feedback. Most importantly, we, as software testers, must accept critical constructive feedback as a learning opportunity.
On Ministry Of Testing blog feed, I noticed the following definition of Black Box Software testing:
Testing, either functional or non-functional, without reference to the internal structure of the component or system.[The Life Of One Man].
What is wrong with this definition? Let’s compare it with BBST Foundation’s definition:
Testing and test design without knowledge of the code[source].
Black Box Software testing is an approach that can be applied with ANY software testing techniques, not just functional and non-functional techniques.
The provided definition could make testers think that only the testing technique is functional, which is not valid. Functional testing is the wrong synonym for testing, you have a function with inputs and outputs, and you have a detailed specification of how the output is connected with input. This is not testing, this is verification. Testing is much more.