Credit: In order to improve my testing skills, I read great book, “Clean Code“, by Robert C. Martin. This book will teach you how to write readable and maintainable…
credit: In my current project, I have to test product that is build using .Net technology ecosystem. First thing that I did was to install IronRuby on my testing Windows…
I decided to read 1q84, a novel by Haruki Murakami, when I read novel excerpt as part of news that mr. Murakami is one of candidates for 2012 Nobel prize…
In order to expand my testing knowledge, I read materials that I receive through my rss feed. First problem is that I am overwhelmed with amount of worth reading materials….
Credit: I found out that my company financial data is lockdown by a Bank. Not all data, but using bank Internet banking service, I can only search for transactions…
Minas Tirith. credit: Minas Morgul. credit: Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul are two fortified cities from famous Tolkien’s Middle-Earth fictional world. In my current project, I had to connect from…
Ready, steady, go CITCON Zagreb 2014!my first iOS 7 photo panorama picture I am pleased that last weekend Zagreb hosted CITCON (it is pronounced kit-kon). CITCON is open conference about…
When I started my company, I automatically become “power user” of my Bank Internet services.My bank provides three types of Internet services: New SBnet token generator SBnet retil SBnet business…
Credit to Inspired by FEW HICCUPPS oracle testing mnemonic, created by James Bach and extended by Michael Bolton, I decided to give my contribution to oracle testing mnemonic set….
Credit: Oauth is open standard for authorizations. It enables third party content provider to authorize users to use their services, using user credentials stored in Oauth provider database. Lets take…