TL;DR Word coverage is the most misused word in software testing. Let’s explained what coverage is by giving definitions and real case examples. The post is aligned with the Black…
TL;DR This post is about my learning experience on Testival #56 meetup. This time we gathered in the ground floor lobby in HUB385. The host and sponsor of this meetup…
TL;DR To become a passionate software tester, we wrote that you need to invest your time into some new technology that could become hot tomorrow. But that investment takes time,…
TL;DR While I am writing this post, my Mac handles a dozen interrupts. Let’s explain what interrupts are and which software bugs are related to interrupts. The post is aligned…
TL;DR Exception program control was introduced into programming languages to help developers to easily handle program error flows. But if you use exception in the wrong way, they could also…
TL;DR To become a passionate software tester, it is good practice to reach and talk with software testers that already become passionate software testers. The post is based on a…
TL;DR In this post, we will run our simple shop scenario using Browserstack infrastructure. Sign up at Browserstack. By default, you get a free plan with 100 automation minutes per…
TL;DR Every passionate software tester has a marketing plan. This blog is my marketing plan. Let’s see what is traditional marketing and what you need to do to transform it…
TL;DR The function is very probably the most common term that software tester will hear from developers. Let’s explain what is actually a function call and which bugs are commonly…