How to kill UI regression testing: the simptoms
TL;DR This is first post in what should be series of post. Idea is: How to kill UI regression testing. Idea started at CAST 2016 lighting talk and I extended…
TL;DR This is first post in what should be series of post. Idea is: How to kill UI regression testing. Idea started at CAST 2016 lighting talk and I extended…
BBST Foundations, cucumber, learn testing
TL;DR In this post I will explain how not to engage in twitter war, but with simple politeness, provoke useful feedback about important topic. Twitter war is very serious thing….
BBST, learn testing, testing tool
TL;DR In this post, I give constructive example why using Gherkin as communication tool is not productive. At CAST 2016, I gave 5 minute lightning talk “I constructively object to UI…
TL;DR This post is follow up on my post about traveling to CAST 2016 as software tester. In that post I mentioned that I noticed at Paris Charles De Gaulle…
BBST Test Design, learn testing
TL;DR As I was traveling to CAST2016 in Vancouver, and roaming cost for 1MB of data traffic using my Croatian operator is 10 US$, I decided to use Google maps…
TL;DR I traveled to Vancouver, Canada, in order to attend TestRetreat and CAST 2016. Here is the experience from the tester’s point of view. First issue I found was at Zagreb…
TL;DR It this blog post I will give an example of fast decision making and explain why the skill of making fast decisions could make you better software tester. Olympic…
BBST Test Design, learn testing
TL;DR In this post I will explain one quick, but very important, test idea. Inverse feature. In order to avoid complex mathematical description and proof, let’s use simple plain explanation….
agile, issues from the void, learn testing
TL;DR This post is feature analysis of my Internet banking application. As a user, I am not satisfied how those features are implemented because using them I spent much more…
TL;DR One of my previous heuristics was that people make more mistakes in alternative path that are usually complicated than basic flow. Here is one more example that supports that heuristic….