This is learning report on Testival #28 meetup that was held today. Our host was again Repsly in HUB385.
There were 15+ participant with three long talks/hands on presentations and four 5 minute lightning talks.
First we had Dario Đurić from Altima. He presented how to create and test web components. I learned that Polymer is Google framework for web components. As any good framework, polymer has out of the box testing support. Polymer enables developer to couple html, css and javascript in components, making your application frontend easier to develop and maintain in TDD manner.
Marko Elezović from Oradian presented how to write concurrent integration tests for api towards the database. Language was Scala, specs was framework for writing tests. Developed testing framework runs tests concurrently. In order to do that, Marko showed us how he resolved issue where every test suites has dedicated postgres database.
Marko Varat, Repsly Inc: presented UX Testing – Product Development Sanity Check.
I learned about tools UXpin, MixPanel and FullStory, tools that help in testing UX aspects of new features.
There were four lighting talks: Kreso from Repsly explained how Repsly successfully hired senior tester in tough market, Zeljko presented Selenium bindings in Scratch, Zoran from ButterflyMX explained which frameworks they use in order to do TDD in their Ruby on Rails project. I presented Ministry of Testing TestSphere cards and possibilities how to use them.