This is report on what I learned at Testival #49.
Host of this meetup was Marko from Bornfight, many thanks for pizza, beer and space! We started with Zeljko’s regular introduction. If you think about starting your own meetup, Zeljko created a to-do list for you. There were 30+ attendees and after intro, we started with short about me from every attend. I shared my latest testing problem that is to write set of pytest unit tests for SQLAlchemy schema model with mission to help developers to fast detect (under 20 seconds) what changed in model.
#1 Irja Straus (Infobip): Baking Quality In
Testing begins even before a single line of code is written. Let me show you how.
For me, punchline for this presentation is slide how to test product specification:
Are there any complicated features? Are there any unused features? Are there any unnecessary features? Are there any missing features? Are there any foggy requirements? Are there any business risks? Are there any product risks? Are there any obstacles for testing?
#2 Leda Link (Infobip): Tests Storytelling
How to investigate trends in test failures and what story can they tell us?
Leda presented how her testing team evolved from lets automated everything to lets automate end-to-end scenario and integration tests with external systems. They created complex system that involves ElasticSearch and Kibana that helps them to search and explore test runs. Doing that, they explore metrics important for them:
pass/fail test result
which product
which feature
start and end time
Their team is currently in situation where developers probably do not do TDD with unit testing, so they moved writing regression tests to scenario end-to-end test. Testers love that developer trap, because “manual testing” is obsolete, and we are better testers with programming.
My advice for next step would be to move regression test to lover levels, e.g. do database model tests next to code that describes model. And they should start develop testing strategy around Heuristic Test Strategy Model.
Lighting talks
#1 Marko Kruljac, We are developers.
Marko presented conference We are developers and added that Bornfight is hiring developers 🙂
#2 Marko Kruljac, How to give feedback.
Very important skill for every tester, because sometimes we bring bad news and this skill could help with team decision not to kill the messenger.
Behaviour => Impact => Correct => Suggest => alternative behaviour.
And how to suggest correction is very important to do it with social skills.
#3 I asked: What is system testing?
I asked audience that question and got expected answer that this is integration or end-to-end test. But system test is evaluation of product INTERACTION with users and other systems.
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