There is a proverb that journey is not about reaching the destination, but about the journey itself. Passionate software tester should apply this to all its assignments and goals. The post is based on a remarkable book written by Chad Fowler, The Passionate Programmer.
I first heard about the A-ha moment during the CITCON 2014 conference. All participants should give what their A-ha moment during the conference was.
The essence of every task, assignment, or goal reach should not be about reaching that goal, but about the process of doing it. Doing it, you will have a lot of A-ha moments. You should remember those, write a note about it, or even a blog post. It is essential to use it next time on different tasks, assignments, or goal reach. And those previous A-ha moments will provoke new ones.
I have a small web project that I use to learn Elixir and Phoenix framework. There is a pagination feature. During the implementation, I had a lot of questions, which I did not put aside in order to implement the pagination feature as soon as possible. For every problem, I had an A-ha moment about the pagination feature.
In stand-up comedy, every comedian wants to have as much as possible punchlines during its act. More punchlines, the better comedian.
Passionate software tester needs to have during software testing as much as possible A-ha moments, these are software tester punchlines!