This is second post about idea how to kill UI regression testing. In first post I described symptoms for UI regression testing that I would like to kill. I will describe development framework tests that are precondition for killing UI regression testing.
Development framework tests (DEFRATE) are automated tests that are written by developers. Here are reasons why I think that should be the case for every development project.
You have a developer that is a “rock star” in some development framework, lets take for example Ruby on Rails (you can replace that with development framework on your project). Lets see what Ruby on Rails framework offers in testing front.
Here is official documentation on testing Ruby on Rails application. Here is additional ruby testing toolbox. Every software developer that claims Ruby on Rails rockstar title, should be master in any of those ruby testing frameworks.
But which tests should developer create?
Developer test should create tests in DEFRATE that CHECK their code design.
Developer should check all flows that he created in its mind. Those code flows must PAST through the RUNTIME (lets say processor instructions). Tests should follow DEFRATE practice and use all features. For example, developer wrote some code that communicates with database. Essential part of test should be code that mocks database. Good DEFRATE enables easy mock code creation. And when somebody changes code that is mocked in a test, mocked code will fail and detect REGRESSION in code. Lowest and most quickest way to detect regression change.
Side effect of DEFRATE tests are tools that enables you to have code coverage by running those tests. Code coverage information is excellent source of information for you test strategy on UI level. And remember, code line coverage is just one testing coverage out of 101 testing coverage metrics. Here is excellent resource about testing coverage [Kaner: Software Negligence and Testing Coverage]
Google testing blog is also excellent resource for DEVELOPERS how to write good DEFRATE tests.
And the best way to learn testing framework is to read a book about it and do ALL the exercises listed in a book.
But my developers do not write DEFARTE tests! So I must stick with my UI regression testing. Ok, but now you know metrics that enables you to provide information about software quality in your project. And you have directions how to make quality in your project much better.
In next post, I will discuss source control tools that can help you to kill UI regression testing.