We presented the fifth schedule game, Happy Date when the delivery date is enforced by sponsors in the previous post. In-Game Pants On Fire, you will bounce between two or more projects, all with the same high priority. The post is based on a remarkable book written by Johanna Rothman, Manage It!
This game is easily recognized when you get an urgent mail from tomorrow you start working on an urgent project at the end of your day. Welcome to the multi-project multitasking project!
The Problem
Management can not put the focus on one thing at the time.
How To Play
Nothing new here. You should use an iterative project life cycle with short timeboxes. Implementing by feature would enable your team to have a working product at the end of each iteration. Tasks must be broken into small rock-pebble chunks. That would enable your team to have a working feature at the end of each iteration.
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