In the previous post, we discussed is Test Case Obsolete In Modern Testing. With that, we finished the section on Software Testing Limitations And Terminology, and it is time for an Exercise. We will introduce you to software testing based on the remarkable book, Introduction To Software Testing by Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt.
Software Testing Limitations And Terminology
To prepare for this exercise, you can read our blog posts:
- Difference Between Software Fault, Error And Failure
- Context For Software Fault, Error, And Failure Classification
- What Is RIP Model
- Definition For Test Case Values
- Definition Of Expected Result
- Definition Of Software Observability And Controllability
- What Are Prefix And Postfix Test Values
- Is Test Case Obsolete In Modern Testing
Please post your answers in the comments of this post.
- For what do testers use automation? What are the limitations of automation?
- How are faults and failures related to testing and debugging?
- Below are four Elixir faulty programs. Each includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions about each program.
(a) Identify the fault.
(b) If possible, identify a test case that does not execute the fault.
(c) If possible, identify a test case that executes the fault but does not result in an error state.
(d) If possible, identify a test case that results in an error but not a failure. Hint: Don’t forget about the program counter.
(e) For the given test case, identify the first error state. Be sure to describe the complete state.
(f) Fix the fault and verify that the given test now produces the expected output.
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