Software testers often think that because they do not know how to code, they are less valuable than developers. Based on my experience, I found that developers are afraid of software testers. The post is based on a remarkable book written by Chad Fowler, The Passionate Programmer.
Remember that humans are error machines. And that is one of the main reasons why developers are afraid of software testers’ work. We could find apparent errors, errors that are caused by a misunderstanding of the domain, or errors that are not important. In every case, we create more work for developers. In the worst case, if we use the wrong communication, we can cause embarrassment or even anger.
To avoid that, you need to be able to explain your software testing work. At the beginning of the sprint, describe the most critical user story flows. Those must work and will be tester first. Share your knowledge about the domain connected with sprint user stories. Write useful bug reports. RIMGEA could help you with that. And the most important, never blame a specific person for found error. Use constructions:
I found a mistake in this method, or in this part of the application.