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In this post I will explain what black hole and RIMGEA acronym have in common.
dr.sc. Dario Hrupec is a speaker at following Testival tester’s event (free admission is here). I found Dario’s work interesting and connected with software testing when I read his article about black holes (croatian version is here and Google translate is here).
Every object in order to be able to “escape” from other object, needs to be accelerated to the escape velocity speed. Black hole is an object that has so strong gravitational field that even light speed is not enough for light to escape that object. So we see that object as black hole.
Luckily for us, in human context, black hole is rare event. In the RIMGEA acronym, G stands for generalize. In order to generalize issue, you need to uncorner your corner case. Which means find corner values that are not at extreme borders. Values that are more probable in user context.
Would you report black hole as an astronaut security risk on a trip from Earth to Moon?
And on a trip from Earth to another galaxy? I would raise black hole as a security risk only in later case.
If you ask yourself: Am I a good tester? Try to revalidate your issue reports. Issue report is one of the crucial tester artifact, it is a written proof how good tester are you. Always generalize your issue report. Uncorner your corner cases. Do not report black hole as a security issue on your project. Unless you are preparing for intergalactic travel.
If you want to learn more about RIMGEA acronym, here are BBST free resources.