This post is an example of how I used oracle consistency with user expectations to identify that I have a problem with my MacBook Pro.
Last year I upgraded my MacBook Pro with version depicted above. Regarding the price compared to other options, my user expectations are very high. I pay not just for the hardware, but for shining OsX, High Sierra, 10.13.6. I expect zero issues from this expensive os, especially not something like this:
This is a random issue.
The version is 10.13.6.
Description. My MacBook Pro is set to lock when I close the lid. Sometimes, when I open it, it unlocks, but there is no password input box. There is a very entertaining colored spinning icon. To overcome this issue, I need to hard reset Mac by pressing the first button on the right in the top row (the only physical button in that row.)
This is an issue for me, and very probably for other MacBook customers because it is inconsistent with user expectation:
MacBook Pro that costs 25000 hrk (3800 usd$) should not be frozen in any circumstances.